SAMES was subcontracted by Mata-Garcia Architects to provide surveying services, land development, civil engineering and geotechnical services for the design and construction of a new subdivision and apartment complex for the Housing Authority of Hidalgo County. The development process included preparation of a Subdivision Plat including submittal of the application of subdivision plat and utility and drainage plans for approval through the City of Donna.
During the civil design process, it was discovered that existing sewer facilities around the area were too far and lacked enough depth to be extended to the project site. As a result, SAMES proposed a submersible wet-well lift station to provide the development with sanitary sewer service. SAMES’ project engineer determined all aspects of the lift station, from logistical items to operational tasks. He determined the location, design peak flow, load requirement on pumps and motors as well as identifying power sources, approved controls, designed wet well capacity and discharge conduits. Operational costs, space requirements, effectiveness of system, maintenance required, and environmental impact were all considered throughout the design. Design was prepared in accordance with TCEQ Standards and the Hydraulic Institute Standards.
Once design was completed and drawings were approved for construction SAMES provided construction management and inspection services to ensure the work was completed as specified.